Kivi Leroux Miller at Nonprofit Communications and host of the Carnival for Nonprofit Consultants asks us all a fun question this week: What are you looking forward to?
This is a fun question because it provides you the reader, the opportunity to get to know more about our fellow bloggers. Though I keep my name anonymous (for now), let me tell you what I’m looking forward to, and I invite you to share your upcoming celebrations, events, etc. as I love to hear what others are doing, exploring, pioneering and creating.
Personally, my answer is: What am I not looking forward to!
‘n Life
In May, I am graduating with my Master’s degree, with my research focus in social marketing. Some of you readers have participated in the study and wow, I can not say thank you enough. It’s been a grueling journey, but one I’ve enjoyed and loved every moment. Most exciting as a result of my studies, I am presenting my paper at the 1st World Social Marketing Conference in Brighton, England in September 2008. If you will be there, drop me a line, as the MOST exciting part of this opportunity is the chance to meet and learn from others who share this passion.
‘n the Blogosphere
SocialButterfly is currently being developed in my spare (and rare) free time, but it is one of my favorite things to do. I must thank everyone in the virtual world. Your guidance, motivation, perseverance, advice and community is something I greatly enjoy and appreciate. In the next couple months, I plan on moving SocialButterfly to its own domain and developing the blog a lot further so be on the lookout,
‘n Social Marketing
Rumblings are surfacing that a Social Marketing Association is in the works and may be tangible within the next year. This is exciting. Get ready. The branding of social marketing is reaching another level!
‘n NonProfit Arenas
I am really excited about all the growing number of businesses that are beginning to discover new ways for their organization or company to become socially conscious. Marketing ploy or not, it’s an increasing trend, and every little piece helps form the puzzle.
I’m most curious about how the field of social enterprise will continue to develop. David Brooks from the New York Times offers a great profile of a social entrepreneur. Most simply, Brooks defines a social entrepreneur as someone who does business….without the main objective of profit making, and goes on stating:
“We might as well take advantage of this explosion of social entrepreneurship. These are some of the smartest and most creative people in the country. Even if we don’t know how to reduce poverty, it’s probably worth investing in these people and letting them figure it out. “
And we can figure it out! The more I here about this rising area of entrepreneurship – the more excited I am about our fields and where they are headed. Be it business, nonprofits, NGOs, health communications, social change, social marketing, public service and more – we are gradually coming together and discovering how we interrelate and how that is seen in practice. Some examples of social enterprises are below:
- is the front-runner in social enterprise education and implementation, claiming that everyone can be a change maker in his or her community.
- A Social Enterprise venture providing with jobs and personal development for the mentally ill and past drug abusers
- A social enterprise park initiative proposed for London’s Summer 2012 Olympics
- A local U.K. grocery remains open despite pressures to foreclose after launching social enterprise efforts
- White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives addresses international social enterprise initiatives, Rwanda
So cheers to the future, and really, what’s not love??
(ps: photo picked at random and happens to be listed on Foxhall Consulting Services‘ site who does consulting for social enterprises….see, the worlds are connecting already )